
AVS is not only on the road, but also always at the pulse of time. We are actively involved in shaping current developments in road construction, standards and guidelines in various associations and organizations worldwide and thus gain valuable impulses. New solutions are our motivation to make roads even safer every day.

ivst membership

The IVSt aims to maintain safety on Germany's roads. The IVSt with its specialist departments works together with the FGSV, BASt and other important institutions and associations. In this way, we too are involved in the IVSt as a service provider and manufacturer.

irf global

AVS has been a member of the IRF since 2018. Since 1948, the IRF, which has offices around the world, has made it its mission to help countries make roads better, safer and smarter. Membership allows AVS Group to contribute its long-standing expertise to the IRF's work, helping to create an ever-improving road infrastructure worldwide and participating in the trends of digital solutions.

The vision: safety on all roads, for people, nature and more economic efficiency. BVST sees itself as a promoter and supporter in these topics: Traffic - Safety - Technology. Through our membership we can participate in the development of the German road infrastructure and actively promote road safety.

Our mission: to protect people.

Every day and every night when we secure road construction sites. No fatalities or serious injuries on the roads: that is the goal of Vision Zero. Developed in Sweden in the 1990s, the strategy is now the basis for safe traffic concepts throughout Europe. We at AVS see ourselves as an important partner and driving force in Germany and internationally. Because with the development of our products, we have always been ahead of the times.